Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle nebula  ·  IC 1287  ·  IC 4701  ·  M 16  ·  M 17  ·  M 18  ·  NGC 6604  ·  NGC 6611  ·  NGC 6613  ·  NGC 6618  ·  NGC 6645  ·  Omega nebula  ·  The star γSct
Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB, TC_Fenua
Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB
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Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB

Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB, TC_Fenua
Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB
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Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB



Acquisition details



I had some fun last night finishing this image. I already had some Ha data, so I shot the R,G and B channels, as well as more Ha data ( you never get too much data ! ).

120 x 30 sec Ha and 60 x 30 sec for the R,G and B channels. No luminance though. 50 Darks.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Omega and Eagle nebulas - HaRGB, TC_Fenua